MFT, Maakplaatsen, generators & broedplaatsen
Evensi: Biodesign of Plastocene van AKI

The growing research on how to live in the age of Anthropocene - the epoch of earth’s structural changes caused by humans - introduced an ecocritical understanding of human relation not only towards environment but also technology and materials we invent. It became clear that technology is not neutral and materials we use are not without agency. Stuff of our daily plastic life may perpetuate and strengthen the existing hierarchies, ideologies and beliefs, but they can also disrupt them. We entered an age where the dreams of omnipresent enhancements to solve the problem became a scientific possibility: biosolar cells for low emission of CO2 and meal worms to digest our plastic are already a reality. But do these inventions and discoveries create a future that we want to live in?
Lees hier het hele artikel.
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